Reply To: Welcome, we want to know about you!

Gabish Joshi
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<p data-pm-slice=”1 1 []”>Namaste everyone,</p>
I am Gabish Joshi, a Nepal-based development professional with a career focus on the synergy between sustainability and business.

Currently, I represent a Venture Catalyst firm that takes innovative businesses with sustainable solutions to low-income markets in developing countries. As part of my role, I am associated as a mentor for a couple of startup incubators and actively engaged as a Diagnostic Panelist helping review risks and challenges in all areas of the business model with a focus on customer segments, value propositions, channels, and unit economics, yielding potential mitigation strategies and alternatives to consider.

I’m glad to be part of this community and I eagerly look forward to broadening my knowledge horizon besides exchanging updates, feedback, and comments with like-minded friends/ experts and contribute.

Thanks & regards from Nepal, Gabish