Ghana’s community entrepreneur: Evans Essell
Title: Ghana's community entrepreneur: Evans Essell
Year: 2021
Type of Resource: Video
Short Description: This the story of Evans Essell, an entrepreuner from Ghana's Subriso community who developed his entrepreneurial skills by receiving financial education and legal rights training through the MASO programme. The MASO programme helped Evans create a sustainable business model, and he hopes to continue selling government-certified agrochemicals, providing quality labour services and hiring youth in his community. MASO is part of the Youth Forward initiative, a partnership led by The MasterCard Foundation, Overseas Development Institute, Global Communities, Solidaridad, NCBACLUSA and GOAL. Within the MASO programme, Aflatoun has been responsible for developing youth-centered curriculum and providing training on social and financial education, Legal Rights and SRHR.
Copyright: Aflatoun International