Developing Digital Competence – Digital Competences – Ep2


In today’s episode, we’ll be diving deeper into the different tools and resources available for developing digital competence. With the increasing importance of digital skills in today’s job market and daily life, it’s essential to know where to turn to develop and enhance these skills.

Introduction to DigComp – Digital Competences – Ep1


Welcome to “Mastering Digital Competence”, a three-part podcast series exploring the concept of digital competence, or “DigComp”. In this series, we’ll be discussing what digital competence is, its different levels and aspects, and how individuals can develop and apply their digital skills in various contexts.

Find out about Digital Competences for Entrepreneurs


Introducing you to the fourth and last pilar of the e-learning structure. This time the focus is DigComp. Do you know what we have in store for you? What are the key competences for the future?